its Me...Vicki

its Me...Vicki
Uhhmmm --- I didn't mean for this picture to be so big ..and I don't know how to shrink it ... so, until I can get another picture for the blog --- squint when you look at this! LOL

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ahhh so proud of "my boys" most of you probably know I am a nut...but
you will see from the picture here, that it definitely runs in the family ;)
This is my son & my grandson...
Every holiday, I normally have some kind of hat, ears or something to hang off everyone.
And believe me - they have learned its much easier to just wear the item - no matter what it is! LOL

So here is the most recent event - Easter and
I made sure we all had Hoppy Ears for EVERYONE! LOL

I am a very blessed woman ... I really am.
I mean...who does this for their mom?
We had such a good time...the bad thing?
Dad had placed my Natey in his Christmas pajamas for Easter morning!

If I had known, that fashion faux paH ...
would have never happened but oh heck...
sometimes you have to pick your battles, right Moms?

I just got the biggest kick out of this batch of photos...
I had to share a few of them with you.

Now you know why I have to scrapbook ;)

Pssssttt Hey Nicole  (look what you're misssSssing...
all you have to do is say I will and "I do" LOL)
this is the son I have need to marry! LOL


Nicole said...

Hi Vicki!!! That is the cutest photo! I wish I had cute ears to wear on Easter and every other holiday!!! I guess all I gotta do is say "I will & I do" and that can happen :D!!! I love that he dressed him in his Christmas pj's. LOL, Dads are so silly. I was sitting next to my boyfriend when I read your post. I was giggling & shared your last comment. He said, "Well who wouldn't want a sweet & crafty daughter-in-law?!" Aww that was nice. But I still told him, he better stay in line or else. Heehee. You would be an awesome mom-in-law! Hugs!!! :)

Susan said...

What a great picture! I bet you have some hilarious scrapbooks! Isn't life much more fun when laughing?


Misty said...

LOL! I love that pic of the boys!
Hummer Hugs,
hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicki!!
Can't believe you "dress" everyone up! We are so much the same, it's scary! My family doesn't argue anymore either! They KNOW at any given time, not just holidays, it's comin'! I even dress up my bunnies! At 51 years old, some parts of me never grew up! I've even been known to hang up a paper sign, that says, "Funny Hat Night...if you want to eat, come to dinner with a funny hat on that you made!" I used to work as a cashier at HomeDepot, before I became disabled & wore all sorts of antenna things on my head. They didn't have a "company policy" about it, so they didn't know what to do with me. Alls I know is it made the customers laugh & smile! Hey if we can't laugh at ourselves...
Isn't crafting FUN?!?!?
God Bless & Bunnie Hugs from R.I.,